Midwives Advocate Chiropractic Care
Jeanne Ohm, DC

After a recent ICPA E- Newsletter went out discussing the Webster technique , I received an e-mail from Ann Sommers a midwife in   Southern California. Her comments were supportive and enthusiastic about her experiences with Doctors of Chiropractic in her 11 years as a midwife and doula. She always has and continues to recommend chiropractic care as part of her clients’ prenatal care. About the Technique, she had this to say: “I have never known the Webster Technique not to work in supporting a breech baby to turn except for one case where there was placenta previa.   I have, however,  known of the external version not to work!   

I have been recommending the Webster Technique for close to 11 years. During that time I have encountered many breeches and have only experienced 3 breech deliveries.  One woman did not choose to do the Webster Technique and had her baby by c-section.  Another was a last minute client whose doctor said her baby was vertex (not) and refused to do an ultrasound to confirm it.  She delivered breech in a hospital.  Another client of mine had a baby that was vertex until the last week  - her baby did a surprise turn.”  

In following up with a phone conversation, Ann and I were able to discuss the numerous reasons why chiropractic care in pregnancy allows for safer and easier deliveries for both the mother and baby. Her referrals over the years to Doctors of Chiropractic always left her midwifery clients feeling well taken care of and appreciative of her recommendations. The Doctors of Chiropractic further supported the midwifery philosophy in for natural birthing.  Those mutual clients approached their births with a greater sense of confidence and trust in their body’s ability to function normally. This on-going support from both practitioners is an incredible asset to the pregnant mother throughout pregnancy and in birth.  

Find practitioners who support the natural process of birth. Make regular chiropractic care a part of your prenatal choices as well. Birth is an amazing experience and how you prepare throughout pregnancy along with who you work with will in fact lead to  a more fulfilling birth experience.  

Anne Sommers, L.M. has been directly involved in midwifery since 1986, when she began her apprenticeship. In 1996 she completed Seattle Midwifery School's Challenge Process, and the NARM exam (supervised by the California Medical Board) qualifying her for midwifery licensure. She is the mother of two children, born at home, with the attendance of midwives.

Anne's philosophy is one of non-interference and informed choice with the natural process of birth. She spends time at her prenatal visits addressing questions and educating her clients on all aspects of birth, and believes that the mother is in control. She can be visited at: http://www.dear-midwife.com/

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